Uday Chandra is a cooperation partner with For Digital Dignity, Project ONLINERPOL and Assistant Professor of Government at Georgetown University Qatar. He received his B.A. in economics from Grinnell College and his PhD in political science from Yale University in 2013. He received the 2013 Sardar Patel Award for writing the best dissertation in an American university on any aspect of modern South Asia. Before coming to Doha, he held a prestigious research fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Goettingen, Germany. Uday’s research lies at the intersection between critical agrarian studies, political anthropology, postcolonial theory, and South Asian studies He is interested in state-society relations, power and resistance, political violence, agrarian change, rural-urban migration, popular religion, and the philosophy of the social sciences.
Uday’s work has been published in the Law & Society ReviewInterventionsCritical SociologySocial Movement StudiesNew Political ScienceThe Journal of Contemporary AsiaContemporary South Asia, and the Indian Economic & Social History Review. He has co-edited volumes and journal special issues on the ethics of self-making in modern South Asia, subaltern politics and the state in contemporary India, caste relations in colonial and postcolonial eastern India, and social movements in rural India today.
Uday is currently working on a book, based on his doctoral research in the forest state of Jharkhand in eastern India, which revisits classic questions of power and resistance by tracing how the notion of “tribe” has curiously co-evolved with modern statemaking processes in South Asia and beyond. He is also working concurrently on two projects on (1) circular flows of labor migrants that remake rural and urban spaces and define the social contours of capitalism in contemporary India, and (2) the nature and emergence of vernacular forms of Christianity among the most marginalized populations in South Asia since the mid-nineteenth century.
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